Monday, May 30, 2016

Your World With Creflo - Authority In Your World

Creflo reveals how to turn on the faith switch and overcome the negative influence of grief for good! Find out how to use your God-given authority to take back control of your life.

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Maintaining Your Confidence Through Righteousness

Maintaining Your Confidence Through Righteousness - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar MinistriesCreflo Dollar preached a sermon about confidence and how through righteousness we are able to uphold that.  Here are the study notes that went with the sermon. Enjoy them!
Maintaining Your Confidence Through Righteousness
Confidence in God’s love for you connects you to the anointing. It is also the first area where the Enemy attacks the believer. When you don’t have a firm grasp on your righteousness, your confidence in God’s ability to manifest Himself in your life will be diminished.
  1. Confidence is your connection to the anointing (Hebrews 10:35).
  2. Confidence, for the believer, is assurance, trust and a firm belief in God’s love for you.
    • Because of this love, God will manifest Himself to you (John 14:21).
  3. The number one fear of Christians is that the promises of God won’t come to pass.
  4. Confidence is the Devil’s first area of attack; if he can get you to doubt God’s love for you, he can prevent you from receiving God’s promises.
  • Understanding the free gift of righteousness is a root to your confidence in God.
    1. The moment you doubt your righteousness because of sin-consciousness, your confidence in God will be out of place.
    2. Righteousness cannot be earned; it is a free gift that is given by God’s grace.
    3. All of mankind are born into sin because of Adam’s high treason in the Garden of Eden, and all men are made righteous through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21).
      1. The only thing you need to do to become a sinner is to be born, and the only thing you need to do to be made righteous is to be born again.
    4. God enables you to rule in life through the free gift of righteousness.
      1. If you don’t receive the gift of righteousness, you will not rule and reign in life.
      2. Righteousness, however, is not a license to sin (Romans 6:1-2).

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Your World With Creflo - Why I Shot Myself

Pastor Creflo Dollar’s guest Shawn shared his testimony about how he faced suicide head on after listening to the voice of the enemy.

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Creflo Dollar: Do All Religions Lead to God?

Do All Religions Lead to God? - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar MinistriesCreflo Dollar gave great insight to what different major religions believe. Very interesting.
Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Calvinism, Mormonism, Islam, what's the difference? With great sensitivity, I embark on answering the age—old question many have pondered for centuries—Do all religions lead to God? As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, most of the world already knows my stance on this subject. Yet in this article my aim is not to bombard you with my personal thoughts, but rather give you information to consider if you or someone you know is struggling for a conclusion on this matter.
Rick Warren, a pastor and best—selling Christian author, offers an interesting interpretation to this highly debated inquiry. In response to the question, Do all religions lead to God, Warren answers:"Can I go into a phone booth and dial any phone number and get home? No, there's only one number that'll get me home. I could be sincere, but I could be sincerely wrong. The truth is, all roads don't lead to Rome and all roads and all religions don't lead to God".
What a powerful statement! For those of you who need a reason to believe the Word, this statement will most certainly give you one. Although somewhat simplistic, Warren's statement accurately supports the factuality of there being a solitary way to connect with God.
So how does one decide what's the way to God? Should he or she research what religion has the best philosophies, or compare each religion to see which one makes the most sense? While some of my more theologically—inclined colleagues might applaud you for such efforts, I believe such research will subject you to the reasonings of men, and ultimately lead you away from the truth.
Creflo Dollar 21 Day Change Experience
Creflo Dollar church in New York

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Creflo Dollar: Righteousness of God

Creflo Dollar preaches powerful sermons every week. I found this one especially moving and I wanted to share it with everyone. Check out the video. For more videos, click here.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Creflo Dollar: Devotion

Devotion - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar Ministries
Creflo Dollar has daily devotions. This was a good one.
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful” (Psalm 1:1).
To walk in the counsel of the ungodly is to take advice that doesn’t line up with the Word. When you need direction, consult the Holy Spirit and seek the perspective of mature Christians who know the Word of God.
To know more about this Article, click here.
Creflo Dollar 21 Day Change Experience
Creflo Dollar church in New York

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Creflo Dollar: Quality of Life

Quality of Life - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar Ministriesby: Pastor Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar posted these notes from his sermon, Quality of Life. Hopefully they will help you get a more in-depth understanding of his message.
God cares about our happiness, and He really wants us to enjoy life. We should not only be focused on quantity but also quality in life.
A. Jesus died so we could have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10, AMP).
  1. The abundant life describes the abundance of quality in all areas of life.
    • We can choose to be happy; the Apostle Paul thought himself happy (Acts 26:2).
    • We are happy when we discover what to do in seemingly impossible situations. That is the benefit of wisdom (Proverbs 3:13).
    • The word blessed is defined in The Amplified Bible as “happy, spiritually prosperous, joyous, and enviable.”
    • Blessed are the pure in heart; they will see God (Matthew 5:8, AMP).
  2. In the Old Testament, happiness is the state of being relieved.
  3. In the New Testament, happiness is the state of the Believer who has fullness in God. It is to be well off, supremely blessed, and fully satisfied.
    • Our Heavenly Father wants us to be fully satisfied and joyous despite our circumstances.
Creflo Dollar 21 Day Change Experience
Creflo Dollar church in New York

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Creflo Dollar: Spiritual Farming

Spiritual Farming - Dr. Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar MinistriesAuthorCreflo Dollar
I don’t know if you are familiar with farming, but the same principles farmers use to yield a bountiful harvest of vegetables or fruit are the same ones that Believers are supposed to use to experience the harvest of God’s blessings in their lives. Any farmer must first put seed in the ground before he can harvest his crop. Then, there is a waiting period in which he must be patient. During that time, he must watch over his crop to make sure it is properly watered and cared for, making sure that his field or garden is protected from animals or pests that may try to eat his goods! God’s system of operation is identical to natural farming in that it also operates by seed time and harvest. Christians are the spiritual “farmers” who must diligently plant seeds and exert effort to harvest their blessings.
In Mark 4:26–27 Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to seed–sowing: “And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.” Please understand, farming isn’t for the lazy person; it takes work! But even when you can’t see anything happening, have faith that your seed is growing and will produce a harvest in due season.
The first thing you must do in God’s spiritual farming system is plant the incorruptible seed of His Word in your heart. You do this by finding scriptures that pertain to your needs or desires and meditating on them constantly. By speaking them aloud over and over again, you release your faith until it becomes real to you. It won’t be long before you can see yourself walking in the blessing. Don’t get me wrong, just like any natural farmer, there will be times when you won’t feel like planting any seed. But keep speaking the Word until you are established in the promise. The more seed you have in the ground of your heart, the bigger your harvest will be.
It is also important that you protect your harvest from the “pests” of doubt, fear and unbelief. Satan will try to steal your harvest by sending contradictory circumstances and situations your way. He does this to try and keep you from standing firm on your faith, but don’t be swayed by his attempts. These are the times when you will need to dig your heels in and keep speaking the Word and praising God for your harvest.
Your words connect you to the blessings of God, so whatever you do, don’t speak negative words. Doing so could cost you your harvest. Never allow doubt and fear to enter your heart. This may mean separating yourself from people who don’t speak faith around you. Only listen to words that support what you are believing God for.
Be sure to keep your faith boosted by constantly feeding your spirit the Word. Not only does this contribute to your “planting,” but it also helps keep you in a position to continue believing God. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. In addition to speaking the Word yourself, listen to tapes and other resources to keep your faith bolstered. The more faith you release out of your mouth, the more faith you will need to put back into your spirit, so don’t slack off on your intake of the Word.
Don’t forget to protect your seed until you see the manifestation of the harvest. Do this by praising and thanking God while you wait. Even when you don’t see anything, don’t worry! Your seed is taking root and growing. Thank God for His promises coming to pass in your life before you see them. This creates an atmosphere of victory that will scare the devil and his buzzards off! He can’t stand it when you praise God.
You will instinctively know when your harvest time has come. It may take six months, or even six years. Regardless of the time frame, don’t get weary and remember that God is faithful to perform what He promised in His Word. Anything of value is worth waiting for and putting forth the effort to see become a reality. Don’t give up during your season of waiting; continue to operate the spiritual farming principles that God has set up for you in His kingdom. It won’t be long before your seed grows up into a mighty harvest that will bless you and all those who cross your path!
 Now you can enjoy inspiring messages 24/7 by visiting the official Creflo Dollar MinistriesYoutube page. Take your faith to the next level today!
The 21 Day Change Experience interactive online study has been created with your success in mind. It’s free, so register today and start your journey towards success in every area of your life! To register, click here.

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Creflo Dollar: God Cares About Your Dreams

Do you ever wonder if God cares about the dreams you have in life? Amongst all the people that He has created, and the countless issues and challenges others face, at times you may feel that your dreams go unnoticed or that God has so much on His plate that you aren’t a top priority. But this is simply not true. God, in His loving omnipotence, cares for every one of His children. He is aware of your dreams and desires and is well able to bring them to pass.
Yes, God cares. He has great love for you because He is love. In fact, His love for you surpasses anything that you can imagine for yourself. Do not doubt that His care for you extends to His being concerned about the many aspirations that you have.
During your talks with God, express your desires to Him. It delights your Heavenly Father when you draw closer to Him through prayer and fellowship. Faith and trust are the foundation of seeing God’s goodness manifest. When you share your heart with Him, it shows that you trust Him.
Don’t worry about the presentation or the form of conversation that you have with God when you pray. Even if you can’t find the right words to express your feelings and the yearning you have to see your hopes and dreams come to pass, talk to Him openly and honestly. He is aware of every thought that passes through your mind, from your daydreams to the thoughts of frustration that come from wanting things to happen quickly.
Open your life up to God’s guidance so that you can receive His goodness. When you purpose in your heart to live a life that pleases Him, He is sure to reward you according to His will for your life. You must understand that you are not living life alone. God has a great plan for your life that is beyond what you would choose or dream for yourself. His plan also involves people you haven’t even encountered yet. He will bless you so you can be a blessing to others as well.
Don’t get discouraged and give up on your dreams; trust God. The Bible promises that those who believe and have faith in Him will experience prosperity in every area of life. And don’t for a minute believe that He doesn’t take into consideration the time, effort and passion you put into making your desires a reality. Second Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight….” Even if you do not see immediate results from your hard work, keep your focus on God and His Word.
Just like Joseph was years, months, days, hours, then minutes away from seeing victory in his life, the same is true for you. If he had quit or allowed obstacles to hinder him from moving forward, he would have never seen his breakthrough! By practicing patience and persistence in your meditation on the Word, you will see the intricate details of your life unfold.
Though you will experience challenges and obstacles as you go through life, I encourage you to persevere and receive what God has for you. Take your heart’s desires before Him and seek Him diligently. He will bring to pass His perfect will for your life.
Now you can enjoy inspiring messages 24/7 by visiting the official Creflo Dollar Ministries Youtube page. Take your faith to the next level today!
The 21 Day Change Experience interactive online study has been created with your success in mind. It’s free, so register today and start your journey towards success in every area of your life! To register, click here.
To know more about the Article, click here.

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