Saturday, May 28, 2016

Creflo Dollar: Do All Religions Lead to God?

Do All Religions Lead to God? - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar MinistriesCreflo Dollar gave great insight to what different major religions believe. Very interesting.
Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Calvinism, Mormonism, Islam, what's the difference? With great sensitivity, I embark on answering the age—old question many have pondered for centuries—Do all religions lead to God? As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, most of the world already knows my stance on this subject. Yet in this article my aim is not to bombard you with my personal thoughts, but rather give you information to consider if you or someone you know is struggling for a conclusion on this matter.
Rick Warren, a pastor and best—selling Christian author, offers an interesting interpretation to this highly debated inquiry. In response to the question, Do all religions lead to God, Warren answers:"Can I go into a phone booth and dial any phone number and get home? No, there's only one number that'll get me home. I could be sincere, but I could be sincerely wrong. The truth is, all roads don't lead to Rome and all roads and all religions don't lead to God".
What a powerful statement! For those of you who need a reason to believe the Word, this statement will most certainly give you one. Although somewhat simplistic, Warren's statement accurately supports the factuality of there being a solitary way to connect with God.
So how does one decide what's the way to God? Should he or she research what religion has the best philosophies, or compare each religion to see which one makes the most sense? While some of my more theologically—inclined colleagues might applaud you for such efforts, I believe such research will subject you to the reasonings of men, and ultimately lead you away from the truth.
Creflo Dollar 21 Day Change Experience
Creflo Dollar church in New York

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