Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Creflo Dollar: God’s Priority Is Loving Us

God’s Priority Is Loving Us - Creflo Dollar - Creflo Dollar Ministriesby: Creflo Dollar

Some of us are so amazed at God’s power and might, we forget His other side. God is indeed strong and just, but He also loves us with a love so great we can’t comprehend it. We receive this love and acceptance not from anything we did, but from accepting Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of our lives. God loves all creatures great and small, and we are by no means the least.

Although He made the earth, the sky, the universe and all creation, He never forgets us, His beloved children (Psalm 8:3-8, NIV). Sometimes as Christians we let religion get in the way of this beautiful relationship with the Father, and we make the mistake of thinking God doesn’t love us. But the truth is that He wants to bless and not curse us (Proverbs 26:2, AMP).

He’s not an angry, vengeful God. In the Old Testament, His children were under the Law, and they operated under curses. But we’ve been redeemed from the Law, and we can operate under blessings. His priority is loving us, and curses can’t attach themselves to His loved ones.

If you’ve ever been bird watching, you’ll notice how carefree they seem as they fly back and forth. When you see the beautiful flowers in the springtime, you may be reminded of God’s beauty when you admire their colors and smell their sweet fragrance. If God loves and takes care of something seemingly as insignificant as the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, so much more so will He take care of us (Luke 12:24-27, NIV).

When we worry and fret, it causes us unnecessary stress, but it also disconnects us from reaping God’s blessings. When we trust in Him to supply all our needs, we’re acknowledging His ability to do so. We can take a lesson from the birds. The Bible says, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6, 7, NIV).

God tells us not to be afraid because He knows fear operates freely through the earth, and fear involves punishment. But God sent His Son to save us, not punish us. The Scriptures repeatedly use the analogy of birds to show us the importance of trusting Him (Matthew 10:29, 31, NIV; Matthew 6:25-31, NIV).

Unlike any earthly emotions, God’s love is unconditional and unchanging. When we accepted His Son Jesus, God revealed the divine family ties that connect us to Him. He knows us inside and out, and accepts us with all our flaws and imperfections. His love isn’t based on our behavior, but on what Jesus did for us thousands of years ago.

Even before the beginning of time, God had decided to make us His own. He wants to set us apart from the world as His highly valued, favored children (Ephesians 1:4-6, AMP). In the Old Testament, His people mistakenly thought He hated them, and they turned bitter and rebellious (Deuteronomy 1: 26, 27). When we realize God loves us, we know that we’ll have more than enough love to share with others, and still have it in abundance.

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