I don’t know if you are familiar with farming, but the same principles farmers use to yield a bountiful harvest of vegetables or fruit are the same ones that Believers are supposed to use to experience the harvest of God’s blessings in their lives. Any farmer must first put seed in the ground before he can harvest his crop. Then, there is a waiting period in which he must be patient. During that time, he must watch over his crop to make sure it is properly watered and cared for, making sure that his field or garden is protected from animals or pests that may try to eat his goods! God’s system of operation is identical to natural farming in that it also operates by seed time and harvest. Christians are the spiritual “farmers” who must diligently plant seeds and exert effort to harvest their blessings.
In Mark 4:26–27 Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to seed–sowing: “And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.” Please understand, farming isn’t for the lazy person; it takes work! But even when you can’t see anything happening, have faith that your seed is growing and will produce a harvest in due season.
The first thing you must do in God’s spiritual farming system is plant the incorruptible seed of His Word in your heart. You do this by finding scriptures that pertain to your needs or desires and meditating on them constantly. By speaking them aloud over and over again, you release your faith until it becomes real to you. It won’t be long before you can see yourself walking in the blessing. Don’t get me wrong, just like any natural farmer, there will be times when you won’t feel like planting any seed. But keep speaking the Word until you are established in the promise. The more seed you have in the ground of your heart, the bigger your harvest will be.
It is also important that you protect your harvest from the “pests” of doubt, fear and unbelief. Satan will try to steal your harvest by sending contradictory circumstances and situations your way. He does this to try and keep you from standing firm on your faith, but don’t be swayed by his attempts. These are the times when you will need to dig your heels in and keep speaking the Word and praising God for your harvest.
Your words connect you to the blessings of God, so whatever you do, don’t speak negative words. Doing so could cost you your harvest. Never allow doubt and fear to enter your heart. This may mean separating yourself from people who don’t speak faith around you. Only listen to words that support what you are believing God for.
Be sure to keep your faith boosted by constantly feeding your spirit the Word. Not only does this contribute to your “planting,” but it also helps keep you in a position to continue believing God. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. In addition to speaking the Word yourself, listen to tapes and other resources to keep your faith bolstered. The more faith you release out of your mouth, the more faith you will need to put back into your spirit, so don’t slack off on your intake of the Word.
Don’t forget to protect your seed until you see the manifestation of the harvest. Do this by praising and thanking God while you wait. Even when you don’t see anything, don’t worry! Your seed is taking root and growing. Thank God for His promises coming to pass in your life before you see them. This creates an atmosphere of victory that will scare the devil and his buzzards off! He can’t stand it when you praise God.
You will instinctively know when your harvest time has come. It may take six months, or even six years. Regardless of the time frame, don’t get weary and remember that God is faithful to perform what He promised in His Word. Anything of value is worth waiting for and putting forth the effort to see become a reality. Don’t give up during your season of waiting; continue to operate the spiritual farming principles that God has set up for you in His kingdom. It won’t be long before your seed grows up into a mighty harvest that will bless you and all those who cross your path!
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